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Does God Exist?

Is there a creator?

Is there a higher power?

Is there a God real?

These questions cross almost every person's mind at some point in their life, if not multiple times. And, if He is real, how can we be certain about it?

However, what would be a convincing level of evidence for you to trust this truth? Most probably you haven’t thought about it yet.

Many deny God's reality based on things that disappointed them or many issues they didn’t understand. Most people's understanding of God is based on what they hear from people and their assumptions, while almost overlooking the numerous pieces of evidence that point to God.

Our lack of understanding of certain realities shouldn’t cause us to overlook the truth of God’s existence.

It is most often our pre-established judgment that holds us back from seeing the truth that stands right in front of us. So, investigation of the truth demands us to be fair in its pursuit.

  • Reason and Faith work together:

Many argue that reason and faith can never go together because reason demands logic and evidence, while faith is based on feelings and emotions. However, this is entirely different in the case of the bible. The bible welcomes investigation and reason. We see God in the Bible saying, “Come now, let us reason together,’ says the LORD” (Isaiah 1:18). Jesus asked His followers to love God, not only with their hearts and souls but also with their intellects: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind” (Matt. 22:37). Paul tells us, “Let your love abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight”(Philippians 1:9), “Test everything. Hold on to the good” (1 Thess. 5:21). The Greek word translated “test” is dokimazo, which can be translated as “examine”.

Reason and faith work together because God is supernatural and while reason, logic and other physical evidence prove His existence, a lot more about God demands faith as well.

  • More than a physical reason exists:

Acts of God in the physical world, like miracles, the great flood, parting of the red sea from the bible, the frequent supernatural move of God through his people, allows us to see the trail of such happenings. While these could have physical explanations in some cases, it is wrong to suppose and search only for physical explanations.

  • Knowledge requires 100% certainty is false:

Since the time of René Descartes an important mathematician, scientific thinker, and philosopher, the world went on to believe that knowledge requires 100% certainty. If this is applied to explanations of God's existence, it should also assure us that our logic for disagreement should also be with 100% certainty. In saying this we should come to a common conclusion that not all things can be of 100% certainty.

The argument of evolution and creation is an apt example of such conclusions.

While there is no absolute physical evidence of creation and God’s hand in it, there are numerous things that point to it’s reality and outweigh the logic of evolution.

Read more about Evolution vs Creation.

  • Many evidences:

Alongside all things that the Bible speaks about and prophecies that came true about Jesus, people even today experience and know God in a very tangible way. Many acts of God that are beyond human logic and reasoning are frequently seen. Words of wisdom, words of knowledge (what may not be known to anyone else unless revealed by God), miracles, supernatural signs, answered prayers, dead people coming back to life. These are instances that are very common in the Christian faith.

Many atheists and those who went on to prove the non-existence of God, their investigation brought them to a place of being nothing less than certain that God actually exists.

Only Christianity can challenge thinking, welcome questions, allow thorough testing and investigation, and still prove to be historically accurate, presently relevant, and have active power in its reality even today.

You need more certainty and faith to believe that God doesn’t exist than to believe that God exists.

Will you reconsider your position and know the truth rather than what is not justified?


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